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Kuriakose Elias Chavara and the Educational Renaissance
Kuriakose Elias Chavara the Pioneer of Social and Ecclesial Reform
Chinthayum Keerthanavum
Śabdādvaita Philosophy of Bhartṛhari
The Creed and the Christian Life
Spirituality in Family Counselling and Psychotherapy: An Evidence Based Approach
New Horizons in Theology: Ecclesiology - Ecumenism - Inter-religious Dialogue
Mathaavinte Sahanavazhi
Dialogue and Solidarity : A Religio-Subaltern Perspective
Indian Churches: Unity in Diversity
Searching for Meaning in the Face of Death
Radical Following of Jesus` Gospel
The Temple Section in Mark (MK 11-12)
The Lamb and his Followers
Martha the Petra in the Fourth Gospel
The Dynamic Word of the Lord
Living the Joy of the Gospel Today Challenges
``Set Apart for the Gospel of God``
That They May All Be One